
Friday, March 14, 2014

Top 5 Feng Shui Do's

Interior Design Tips  by Eclectic Elements

Spring is the season of renewal, manifestation, celebration and falling in love, of course! Now is the time to take those bold steps and manifest your dreams. A good spring cleaning of your home can do wonders for your personal energy; it will nourish and strengthen you. Feng Shui as always, can help with a variety of easy, powerful tips for spring cleaning your home.

If you still feel sluggish and low-energy after a long and maybe challenging winter, here are some proven-and-true feng shui steps to lift your energy up.

The keywords are spring cleaning and decluttering; and the goal is get rid of everything that does not serve you anymore.

Spring cleaning will help you make space for new, fresh feng shui energy to come into your life.

SPRING CLEANING TIP # 1: If you are looking to improve your health, get rid of all the items that are cluttering and blocking the energy flow in your kitchen (especially your cupboards and the freezer.) The state of your kitchen, is the state of your health, so do yourself a favor and thoroughly clean that kitchen. De-clutter the refrigerator; clean the stove and all the pots and pans. Let go of all harsh chemical kitchen cleaners and go for natural ones. Clean out all the drawers, surfaces, light fixtures, etc - create a fresh pathway for strong vibrant chi to flow and nourish your energy.

SPRING CLEANING TIP # 2: Bring three new pots with vibrant feng shui green plants, to refresh the energy of your space and symbolize, as well as ground, the energy of new beginnings. If you plan to place them in the kitchen, go for lush and aromatic herbs, such as basil, rosemary or mint. Focus on your front entrance, as well as your kitchen, as both are strongly connected to your health.
  • SPRING CLEANING TIP # 3: Thoroughly clean and clutter clear your bedroom and your bathroom, get rid of anything that you haven't used in the past 6 months. Clear the space under the bed, clear the windows, refresh and re-decorate for spring both your bedroom and your bathroom.
  • SPRING CLEANING TIP # 4: If you would like to welcome a new love relationship, into your life, make space, and I mean actual, physical space, for this new person to be in your home. Clear out your closets for a better flow and more space. You literally have to create an open flow of energy in your home to be able to attract and manifest more of what you are looking for. Spring cleaning time gives you great opportunity to do just that!
  • SPRING CLEANING TIP # 5: Last but not least, be sure you understand the importance of space clearing and are comfortable with at least a simple feng shui space clearing session for your home. Better yet, find the time to do a major space clearing session; as spring is the best time for clearing stagnant energy in your home.
Clarify, purify and let go this Spring Season. Renew your home and renew your body. Step into a new way of being, and fill it with a happy and healthy energy of excitement.
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Happy new and fresh beginnings, fun celebrations and precious memories to behold!

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