
Monday, February 3, 2014

 Simple Staging Techniques
Interior Design Tips by Eclectic Elements

If you are considering selling your property, or will be considering selling your property in a few years; it is always a good idea to keep in mind your potential buyers when it comes to interior design and décor. A simple, well balanced living area will definitely attract more interested buyers than a home which is cluttered and over personalized. The majority of people only consider what they like when it comes to design, and forget about the general public or future potential buyers – but it’s always a good idea to play it safe.

If You Don’t Have Space – Make It

Whether you live in a large country manor or a simple semi-detached property in the suburbs; everyone wants more space and less clutter. If you have the space available to you, make sure you use it to your full potential. Anything that you don’t need or aren’t using, should safely be stored away in a lock up. Good use of mirrors will help to give a bigger feel to a room, as well as clean and natural colours throughout a property.

If your property is on the small side, and you want it to appear bigger – we suggest you consider modern furniture that has multiple uses. For example, a lot of bed’s now have under bed storage. So instead of that old ottoman, towels and spare bedding can be stored under your bed.

Creative Use Of Colour

Using colour to its full advantage is essential when it comes to selling your property. You can make a room feel cosier, more spacious or even more modern with the appropriate use of colour. At Eclectic Elements we offer Staging Services to review your property and suggest the most appropriate colours and home decor for each room.

One more thing to always remember is that the outside of your property is just as important as the inside. Make sure your lawn is freshly cut, rubbish is tidied up and your property is in a good state of repair. First impressions count, and if you have a beautifully designed and laid out home – it will stick in a buyers mind! 

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