
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

   Creating & defining a focal point in your living space 
Interior Design Tips by Eclectic Elements

When you walk into a room, pause for a few seconds. Now what is the first thing you really notice? That element of the room would be considered the room’s focal point.
The focal point of a room can be a good thing, such as a fabulous fireplace or view, or it can be a poor thing, such as a television or a large blank wall.
A focal point, in its simplest definition, is a point where lines converge together. The focal point of a room is the place where the lines of the room meet. Since our eyes tend to naturally follow lines, this will be the place that our attention will first be drawn to in a room.
Since our eyes follow the lines in a room, the furniture and activity in a room will usually revolve around the focal point. 

So what do you do with a room that doesn’t have a focal point? You create one!
Creating a fabulous focal point in a room is a great way to reenergize a space, and creating a focal point can usually be done for free. Creating a focal point is also a great way to take the focus off of the less attractive features of a room.

The easiest way to create a focal point in a room is to accentuate an existing, strong element within the space. 

Here are the top 5 Best focal point to emphasize when styling your space.

1) Choose a vibrant Art piece to bring attention to that area. This creates a great focal point for all viewers.
2) A fireplace makes an excellent focal point, especially since furniture is usually arranged around this element in a room.
3) A strong architectural detail, like an exposed brick wall or beautiful staircase, can serve as an excellent focal point.
4) Don’t forget to look up. A high ceiling or amazing light fixture make an excellent focal point.
5) A window or group of windows makes a fantastic focal point. Our eyes are always drawn to natural light and the movement created by landscape, a skyline or other outdoor elements. If you have a decent view or a good source of natural light, this may be your focal point in a space.

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