Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"How to Make Your Home into a Peaceful Atmosphere"
Interior Design tips by Eclectic Elements

The best way to create serenity is to clear the clutter and visual chaos. When your home is filled with stuff, be it clutter, piles of papers, dirty dishes, projects, or even too many accessories or an abundance of furnishings, your eye has no peaceful place to land. You want to allow breathing room for your own sanity. Most of us could do with about half as much stuff in our house and things would feel a lot calmer. If you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, grab some grocery bags and run around the house filling them with clutter. 

In your decor, you can do a number of things to create a more visually serene environment. Including getting rid of excess stuff, some people just feel better in their home with more soft and soothing color palettes. It is amazing what a difference a color scheme can make in how a room feels, so be sure to consider this if you are a highly stressed person. If you just want to feel at peace, with nothing jarring your eyes, soft colors and faded or muted fabrics will make your home the oasis you are looking for. While bold patterns and bright fabrics may rule the rest of the house, create a tranquil zone of woven linens especially in the bedroom for a neutral sanctuary. 

Give yourself permission to enjoy peace & quiet every day! Create a small corner where you can think. Find a comfy chair, soft lighting, a candle, and have your favorite books or magazines at the ready for some quiet time. Spend a little time every morning in solitude and you’ll be much more equipped to face the day.

The outside world can be a stressful place, but with a little effort in our homes we really can find that calm we all need!

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