Thursday, May 30, 2013

 Create a peaceful atmosphere using Feng Shui 

Interior Design Tips by Eclectic Elements

Good feng shui in the living room will be based on the same energy foundation as good feng shui for the whole home. Clean, clutter free, good quality air and good quality light are the minimum good feng shui basics for any living space.

Having a clear organization system is a must for good feng shui in your living room. Choosing a good feng shui decor scheme for your living room usually requires a bit of work. It is best to start with understanding the feng shui bagua, or energy map of your home. Once you know the feng shui area your living room is located in, you will have clarity on the best choice of colors, shapes and materials based on the feng shui element that needs to be supported.

As for the best feng shui furniture arrangement, your goal is to provide for a clear, unobstructed flow of energy, while at the same time creating areas with warm, cozy, social and centered feng shui energy. Best feng shui is to create a home that nourishes you, supports your energy and makes you feel happy and content. After all the feng shui analysis is said and done, you are the only one to know what truly makes you happy; so give yourself permission to create a happy, warm and welcoming home.

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