
Monday, November 19, 2012

Eclectic Elements 

Tips on How to choose the right Bedding

Studies show that our choice of bedding directly affects the quality of our sleep, our mood, and in some cases our health. Luckily, our choices today are endless when it comes to dressing our beds, but it has not always been so. 
Our lives today are such that we work hard, we play hard, and we want to rest gently and in comfort.  And though not everyone can afford an expensive place of respite with expensive furnishings, we all can certainly create places where we can enjoy the serenity of sleep in a chic and imaginative environment that makes us feel good. And stylish new linens can help achieve that with very little cost and effort.

Choices of material such as cotton, bamboo, silk and synthetics are the sheeting materials most commonly obtainable today. Cotton remains a perennial favorite for sheets in most hotels and homes. Everyone loves cotton for its soft feel and the fact that cotton sheets breathe, providing a better sleeping experience.   If there is a downside to cotton, it’s the fact that it takes excessive amounts of water to grow and process, and it is often subjected to pesticides. Silk sheets are the most expensive, require the most care, and don’t last as long as other sheets, but they are said to minimize wrinkles and benefit your skin via essential amino acids found organically in the silk.  If silk sheets are not an option financially, buying a set of silk pillowcases is a great way to actually experience the benefits associated with silk. Meanwhile, bamboo products of all types have recently stormed the marketplace, and bamboo sheets are a part of that movement. Their benefits are that they are soft, anti-microbial, odor resistant and durable.  And actually, bamboo sheets are biodegradable and eco-friendly. But, the most popular sheets are made from synthetics and blends.  They are inexpensive and for many, that seems to be their chief redeeming quality.  They do hold color longer, but because they’re man made, they don’t breathe, making it difficult to maintain a steady body temperature.  Satin sheets are a popular synthetic option and are known for their slippery, sensuous feel.  And as is common with synthetics, they do tend to be cold when you get under them and hot after you’ve settled in.

The need for comfort touches us all and everyone can agree that a good night’s rest is important! 

Eclectic Elements carries wonderful bedroom furniture & accessories!
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