
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Eclectic Elements Feng Shui Tip:

3 Perfect Fall Colors & Their Meanings

Color enriches every area of our lives, aesthetically, psychologically, and physically. Using certain colors with association cures to bring about desired conditions in every area of your life. 

Aside from the fact that the color Orange is perfect to add vibrancy into the home, according to Feng Shui, orange is known to stimulate ch'i and symbolize happiness & power. 

Natural and earthy colors like these will bring you back to your roots. The color of plants, Green is associated with growth. It also has a relaxing and calming influences on us. 
We connect with the earth, trees and stones; therefore this color symbolizes stability and permanence. 

Passionate Red is a color associated with the Fire element. Promoting strength, activity and action. Believed to bring happiness, good fortune and fame. Attracts positive energy and known to dispel bad luck. 

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