Friday, August 24, 2012

Top 3 Color Psychology Tips For Your Home!

The hues chosen for a room's walls and ceiling can help determine whether your interior design is a hit or miss. Here are a few color psychology tips to keep in mind when planning your home's color scheme.

1) Bright colors such as vibrant shades of green and blue, yellow, and orange provide an expansive feeling. These are friendly, happy colors that encourage communication and are therefore especially welcome in the dining area and kitchen.

2) Cold colors, such as icy blues and green, have a calming effect. They are especially well-suited for bedrooms; they help you to go to bed relaxed in the evening and wake up refreshed the next morning.

3) Red raises the energy level of a room, but it may also make people more irritable and hostile. It's not a good choice for a child's room. Use it as an accent rather than a base room color.

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