
Friday, May 25, 2012

Key Holder to Your Pearly Gates of Great Design

Those great artists who have the foresight to construct the next big thing in design which influence the masses must possess a 3rd eye, a crystal ball, a gift for seeing just beyond the horizon. As progressive people we would like to think that we individually posses such a gift but, atlas most don't. Case in point, have you ever seen an Englishman's home and it contains lots of knick knacks but is still somehow sophisticated whereas we all know someone who basically owns the same amount of items but it tethers at the hoarding level. Or perhaps a famous actor's minimalist home may appear to be harmoniously balanced on the glossy pages of a magazine and you try the same approach but your home appears well, sparse. I believe I have made my point. Great style isn't born. It's cultivated. At Eclectic Elements, it's our job to be the key holder to your pearly gates of great design.

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