
Friday, May 25, 2012

Adding bling to your interiors with gold and silver accessories

Allow me to be upfront and honest, I love bling! It makes me happy. I love the reflection, the shine and the luxury associated with it. Silver, chrome, crystal, mirrors- I believe that every household should have a pinch. It could be something as small as a vase or as large as a wall mirror. It can be entwined in beautiful wallpaper adorned with Swarovski crystals or a thousand drops of blow glass dripping off an Italian chandelier. I adore all this is silver... although it appears that gold is making a quite comeback. A color which fell out of favor as it was thought to be associated with the stuffy kids, gold is the new silver. It could subconsciously be the connection to gold bullion and its steady climb into the land of bigger and bigger bucks or maybe it's the use of the color in modern designs. Nevertheless, I would never divorce my beloved silver, but I would take the lovely gold out for dinner. smile. A fabulous example of a must-have gold nugget is the Phillip Stark face stool. Positively posh. Silver, chrome, crystal, mirrors, glass, gold equates to happiness. Stop by Eclectic Elements and take a piece of bling for a drive.

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