Monday, June 15, 2009

Give your Space Some Spice

The easiest way to achieve interest in a room is to add a little bit of contrast.

The importance of Contrast

When a room lacks contrast it is left uninviting and bland. A room with too much contrast can be visually jarring and can cause anxiety. People tend to avoid spending time in spaces with an uneven balance of contrast. There are 3 ways to create contrast within your home. These include texture, color and size.

Example of Balanced Contrast

Pictured is the entry way of the Modern Glass Estate that was featured in the Ace Hood “Ride” music video. This space designed by Eclectic Elements President Monica Suleski is a great example of the 3 important elements of contrast. Looking at this picture your eyes are immediately drawn to 3 places, the set of fettuccine shag rugs, the geometric painting to the right and the Dancing Girl statue. Why is your eye drawn to these places? Because, they are all contrasting elements and they are creating a visual harmony within this space.

  • Your eye notices the Fettuccine shag rug because its plush texture is a direct contrast to the smooth finish of the concrete floor.
  • The Geometric painting to the right adds a pop of color to an otherwise neutral room.
  • The Dancing Girl statue is significant to the space because it is much taller than its surroundings forcing your eye to travel to appreciate its full beauty.

Creating Your Personal Contrast

Before you attempt to add contrast into your own space you must first be aware of your personal tolerance for contrast. The best way to do this is to look through several design magazines and tag pictures you like and don’t like. Once you have done this use the guidelines in this article to asses why you like and dislike these layouts. After going through a few pictures you will begin to notice a pattern. The pictures you dislike either have too much or too little contrast for your personal taste. The pictures you are drawn to have just the right amount for you.

For more ideas and help on creating contrast within your space please contact Eclectic Elements Design Consultant Eydie Voss at

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